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Pest & Disease Update: What's coming down the pike

Wednesday January 24, 2024 

3:30 P.m. - 4:30 P.m.

Catch up on the latest plant health concerns in Massachusetts. Get up-to-the-minute information on common pests and diseases including spongy moth, beech leaf disease, emerald ash borer, and white pine needle disease.  We’ll discuss the latest concerns, newest threats, and potential new invaders such as spotted lantern fly, southern pine beetle, and oak wilt. See examples of how our trees and plants are affected by these issues and learn management strategies to employ this spring.

CEU Credits: APLD, ISA, NE Pesticide, NOFA

Nicole Keleher 
Forest Health Program Director
Massachusetts Department of Conservation & Recreation (MDCR)
Amherst, MA

As the Forest Health Director for the Mass Department of Conservation and Recreation, Nicole works on many state-wide projects, investigating the impact of insects and disease on forests throughout Massachusetts.

Cape Cod Landscape Association

CCLA Management Office
67 West Street
Medfield, MA 02052


Cape Cod Landscape Association is a 501 c3 – registered non-profit
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